Highlight Section

One of our most versatile sections, the Highlight Section allows you to creatively share the story of your loved one. You can add as many Highlight Sections as needed to showcase their interests, notable achievements, favorite foods, or even a timeline of their life's journey.
What You Can Do Here
Edit Featured Image
Click this button to change the image shown in this section.
Add Another Highlight Section
Click this button to add another Highlight Section. You can use this section to share anything about your loved one that you want to highlight.
You can add multiple Highlight Sections without any limit. This opens up many possibilities for creative use.
For example, you can create a timeline-like storytelling narrative by creating multiple Highlight Sections, titled accordingly like Julia’s High School Graduation - Her First Job - Marrying John, a Lovely Wedding - Beautiful Family, etc.
Remove Photo in This Section
Click this button to remove the photo in this section. Without a photo, the content in this section will automatically align to the center.
Disable Highlight Feature
Click this button to remove the Highlight Section from your page.